Earlier this month I was very grateful to spend time with Elliot Reeves and be interviewed for his website Inspired Edinburgh.

Inspired Edinburgh is a media company Founded by Elliot Reeves. It is centred around an interview show and podcast which features fascinating people from all walks of life.

The conversations are thought provoking, hard-hitting, and emotionally rousing. They tackle real issues and challenge mainstream perceptions by going in search of the truth. Watching or listening to an Inspired Edinburgh interview will prompt you to live a more conscious life by encouraging you to reflect on your identity, your beliefs, your purpose, and your worldview.”

Below is a link to the interview.  As well my passion for the Outdoors, we discuss a bit about my past and my hopes for the future.  I hope it will help motivate and inspire you and that you can take a little bit from my story. I am very grateful to Elliot, and would be delighted with any comment you might like to leave below.   Thanks


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