Country Sport has been something close to my heart from a very early age. I grew up in a rural environment where I was surrounded by opportunities for fishing and country sport.  After a long break I am now beginning to rekindle my love for the outdoors and am making the connections again to enable me to partake. This has been as a direct result of my work with Photographer, Writer and Business Coach Linda Mellor.  I am delighted to be working alongside Linda and exploring disabled participation in Country Sport.

I am grateful to have been asked to write for a relatively new magazine called Shooting Scotland. This magazine has grown out of a publication called Farming Scotland where the shooting section was produced as a  supplement. Now as a separate magazine Shooting Scotland is on its 3rd issue. I am delighted to have been asked to contribute and look forward to sharing more of my ideas and stories with readers in the future.

Below in a screen shot of my first article that was published in this months issue.  Hope you can zoom in to read it. If not, click in the Shooting Scotland link here, and go to page 32. Enjoy.


Categories: Blog