
Those who follow my blog will have an idea of the sort of struggles I have had recently with joint pain. Being a member of Nuffield Heath has been of tremendous benefit to me because I have been able to receive advice. Thanks to the instructors at the gym I have been able to try to address these difficulties. With a set of exercises designed to strengthen my core, I have worked hard to solve the problem.

Difficulty Walking

I have been experiencing difficulty in walking for a while and particularly while coming down a mountain. Most painful have been my hips and lower back and unfortunately this has been enough to stop me from walking. Explaining this to my gym instructor he suggested a range of stretches and exercises using a TRX. I hadn’t heard of this before but now I have been converted!

Discovered the TRX

The TRX is simply two pieces of cord that attach over head and used to support your weight and balance. There is a handle on each cord for holding on and adjusters for easily changing the length. When I started using the TRX I learned some basic squats and stretches. By doing lunges I am extending and trenching all my leg muscles which I find so helpful. When you have cerebral palsy as I do, sometimes muscles can feel knotted up, tight and tense. Being able to stretch in this way is a fantastic feeling. I’ve not been up on the hills yet to see if if has made a difference but I am really enjoying using it.

So Impressed

I was so impressed with the TRX I went out and bought one. I would have bought the whole company but couldn’t afford it! Now I can can attach it to a tree in the back garden and exercise to me heart’s content. When I’m done, it folds up neatly into a small bag for easy storage. What’s not to like? There are endless amounts of exercises you can do with it, just check it out YouTube.

Over to you

If you have a favourite piece of equipment, or an exercise you find particularly helpful, please take a few moments to put it in the box below. If you don’t exercise at all then please tell us why? Thanks

Categories: FITNESS